Tuesday, April 9, 2013


* I'm just going to say that I'm not feeling this one... it was a struggle to write and I do not feel like I encapsulated the events and the feelings of the month at all, but alas, the first week of the new month is over and I must post something before it gets any later... =/ Mreh.

Emotions ran rampant,
Ran out of control.
Sitting and waiting
Never did any good at all.
My dad pacing the floor,
Anxious to be at my mother’s side.
My sister talking non-stop,
And me just wanting to hide.
But some prayers are answered
And this one went through.
My mom came out okay,
Just lots of healing left to do.
And then to the east, I had to fly,
Off to a conference, where my liver did die.
Kindred spirits, I met,
Bared my soul to these guys,
Who, with their kind words,
Brought tears to my eyes.
And under the light of a neon moon,
I knew it would be over all too soon.
Back to California to help out at home,
Emotions raw and exhausted,
But holding my own.
Been pushed to the limit
Of things I can handle
But through all this,
For so much, I have to be thankful:
A mom getting better,
A safe trip to Raleigh
Old friends and new,
To support me
Through all the folly.

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